What We Do
At the Thompson Centers, we provide residential care for children who have experienced trauma and disrupted relationships. Our goal is to build trustworthy relationships that are the foundation for healing.
Thompson Centers will open its first location in 2025-26.
— Stay tuned.
The Foundation
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
DDP provides the foundation for our understanding and approach to developmental trauma and the relationship issues it causes. Created by Dr. Dan Hughes, DDP empowers caregivers to become the trust-builders their children need them to be.
PACE is the Trust-Builder’s Attitude
Playful - discovering delight in the child
Accepting - it’s okay to experience this
Curious - to learn who this child is becoming
Empathic - feeling what it’s like to be them
We use other approaches in addition to DDP
Trust-Based Relational Interventions® (TBRI)
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI)